Math Accessibility Project (A-MAP)
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Food for Thought
A Little New Math Humor
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Example 1:
Example 2:
Example 3:
Example 4:
Example 5:
Example 6:
Example 7:
Example 8:
Example 9:
Example 10:
Example 11:
Example 12:
Example 13:
Example 14:
Example 15:
Example 16:
Example 17:
Example 18:
Example 19:
Example 20:
Example 21:
Example 22:
Example 23:
Example 24:
Example 25:
Example 26:
Example 27
Example 28
Hammett, Adam
Year: 2007
Pittel, Boris
Two permutations of [n]:={1,2,...,n} are
comparable in Bruhat order if one can be obtained from the other by a sequence
of transpositions decreasing the number of inversions. Let P(n) be the
probability that two independent and uniformly random permutations are
comparable in Bruhat order. We demonstrate that P(n) is of order n^{-2} at most,
and (0.708)^n at least. We also extend this result to r-tuples of permutations.
Namely, if P(n,r) denotes the probability that r independent and uniformly
random permutations form an r-long chain in Bruhat order, we demonstrate that
P(n,r) is of order n^{-r(r-1)} at most, an exact extension of the case P(n,2)=P(n).
For the related "weak order" - when only adjacent transpositions are admissible
- we show that P^*(n) is of order (0.362)^n at most, and (H(1)/2)*(H(2)/2)*...*(H(n)/n)
at least. Here H(i)=1/1+1/2+....+1/i, and P^*(n) is defined analogously to P(n),
but for weak order. Finally, the weak order poset is a lattice, and we study
Q(n,r), the probability that r independent and uniformly random permutations
have trivial infimum, 12...n. We prove that [Q(n,r)]^{1/n}-->1/q(r), as n tends
to infinity. Here, q(r) is the unique (positive) root of the equation
1-z+z^2/(2!)^r+...+(-z)^j/(j!)^r=0, lying in the disk |z|<2.
Thesis: Hammett, Adam Joseph.pdf
(131 Pages)
Transcoded version of
Adam Joseph Hammett's Thesis
Example 29
Some results on
recurrence and entropy
Pavlov, Ronald
Bergelson, Vitaly
This thesis is comprised primarily of two
separate potions. In the first portion, we exhibit, for any sparse enough
increasing sequence {p_n} of integers, a totally minimal, totally uniquely
ergodic, and topologically mixing system (X,T) and a continuous function f
on X for which ergodic averages of f along {p_n} fail to converge on a
residual set in X, answering negatively an open question of Bergelson. We
also construct here a totally minimal, totally uniquely ergodic, and
topologically mixing system (X',T') and x' a point in X' so that x' is not a
limit point of {T^(p_n}(x')}.
In the second portion, we study perturbations
of multidimensional shifts of finite type. Given any Z^d shift of finite
type X for d>1 and any word w in the language of X, denote by X_w the set of
elements of X in which w does not appear. If X satisfies a uniform mixing
condition called strong irreducibility, we obtain exponential upper and
lower bounds on the difference of the topological entropies of X and X_w
dependent only on the size of w. This result generalizes a result of Lind
about Z shifts of finite type.
Thesis: Ronald Lee Pavlov, Jr.pdf
(175 Pages)
Transcoded version
of Ronald Lee Pavlov, Jr's. Thesis
Author: George
Argesanu, M.Sc.
Year: 2004
Advisor: Prof
Bostwick Wyman, Ph. D.
Variable annuities are in the spotlight in today’s insurance market. The tax
deferral feature and the absence of the investment risk for the insurer (while
keeping the possibility of investment benefits) boosted their popularity. They
represent the sensible way found by the insurance industry to compete with
other stock market and financial intermediaries. A variable annuity is an
investment wrapped with a life insurance contract. An insurer who sells
variable annuities bears two different types of risk. On one hand, he deals
with a financial risk on the investment. On the other hand there exists an
actuarial (mortality) risk, given by the lifetime of the insured.
Should the
insured die, the insurer has to pay a possible claim, depending on the options
elected (return of premium, reset, ratchet, roll-up). In the Black-Scholes
model, the share price is a continuous function of time. Some rare events
(which are rather frequent lately), can accompany jumps in the share price. In
this case the market model is incomplete and hence there is no perfect hedging
of options. I considered a simple market model with one riskless asset and one
risky asset, whose price jumps in different proportions at some random times
which correspond to the jump times of a Poisson process. Between the jumps the
risky asset follows the Black-Scholes model. The mathematical model consists
of a probability space, a Brownian motion and a Poisson process. The jumps are
independent and identically distributed. The approach consists of defining a
notion of risk and choosing a price and a hedge in order to minimize the risk.
In the dual market (insurance and financial) the riskminimizing strategies
defined by Follmer and Sondermann and the work of Moller with equity-linked
insurance products are reviewed and used for variable annuities, with death or
living benefits.
The theory of
incomplete markets is complex and intriguing. There are many interesting
connections between such models and game theory, while the newest and maybe
the most powerful research tool comes from economics, the utility function
(tastes and preferences).
Thesis: George
(97 Pages)
Transcoded version
of George Argesanu's Thesis
Worksheet 1:
Worksheet 2:
Worksheet 3:
Worksheet 4:
Worksheet 5: