]> An IDEAL Group, CLC, Project



Proof. - We have q1δ1=pδ0 by the corollary to Proposition 5.

Therefore, it is sufficient to prove (2) for k2. Set σ=ik, and let us

consider the surface Mσ obtained by the (σ-1)-th blowing up in the

process to get M from M1. We may say that Mσ is the surface obtained

by the blowing down of Lh+1, Lh, ..., Lk+1 successively from M. Let

πσ : MMσ be the contraction mapping. As in the previous sections,

let us denote the proper images of C¯, C¯k, Ei in Mσ by C¯(σ), C¯k(σ), Ei(σ)

respectively. By Theorem 3, C¯k+1(σ) intersects transversely Eσ(σ) at the same

point Q=πσ(Lk+1...Lh+1) as C¯(σ). lEience, the functions f and gk+1

on Mσ have the same indetermination point QEσ(σ). Let

Pf(σ)=i=0σνiEi(σ), Pgk+1(σ)=i=0σν¯iEi(σ)

be the pole divisor of f and gk+1 on Mσ respectively. Let δ¯0,δ¯1, ...,δ¯k be

the order of the pole of gk+1 on Ejo(=E0), Ej1(=E1), ..., Ejk. We have

δ¯0=ν¯j0,δ¯1=ι/¯j1, ...,δ¯k=ν¯jk. The coefficients νi,ν¯i(i=0,1, ..., σ) are

the solutions of the following equations:

j=0σ(Ei(σ) . Ej(σ))νj={

0 (iσ)

dk+1 (i=σ),


0 (iσ)

1 (i=σ).

Hence, by Lemma 4, we have νi=dk1U¯i for all i=0,1, ..., σ. In


δi=δ¯iċdk+1, (i=0,1, ..., k).

Therefore, in order to prove (2), it is sufficient to prove

(3) qkδ¯kNδ¯0+Nδ¯1+...+Nδ¯k-1.

By Theorem 3, C¯k(σ) intersects Ejk(σ) transversely and does not inter-

sects other components Ei(σ)(ijk). We have

δ¯k=(P9k+1(σ) . C¯k(σ))

=(C¯k+1(σ) . C¯k(σ))

= (C¯k+1(σ) . P9k(σ)).