Instructions for completing the form field, “Section of the digital text you wish to modify.”

Please, download and look at how your digital text is divided into chapters, etc., before completing this field.

Why? Because it is critically important that you accurately enter the correct “reference words” when defining the chapter, section, part, act, scene, etc. of the digital text you want to modify.

Please do not try to modify complete works.

Digital texts are divided into readable parts very differently from one another. For example:

  • 813 by Maurice Leblanc: Divided into chapters, each detailing a segment of the adventure or mystery.
  • A Man Could Stand Up by Ford Madox Ford: Divided into parts and further into chapters, often shifting perspectives between characters.
  • A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare: Organized into acts and scenes. This play structure helps delineate shifts in location and groups of characters.
  • A Thief in the Night by E. W. Hornung: A collection of short stories featuring recurring characters, each story stands alone but contributes to a larger narrative arc.

Therefore, before trying to modify any texts please select “No” in response to the question, “Do you plan to modify the content of the digital text you selected using IDEAL’s AI system?”

Once downloaded you will be able to look at how the digital text is divided into distinct “chunks” of text and be able to accurately complete the field entitled, “Section of the digital text you wish to modify.”

You can then move forward to select “Yes” in response to the question, “Do you plan to modify the content of the digital text you selected using IDEAL’s AI system?” and accurately enter the reference into the “Section of the digital text you wish to modify.” Edit box.
