IDEAL Group Projects (1992-2025)
Project Partners:
- Many
Developing audio tour apps for 22 history museums.
To make outdoor museum exhibits come alive with human-narrated audio tours. The mobile apps (iOS and Android) will be accessible to individuals with print disabilities. The tour apps are being designed to function in outdoor spaces that do not have internet/Wi-Fi connectivity or are not in range of wireless carrier services.
Project Partners:
- CRIS Radio
- Each of the 22 museums
Funding Agency:
- The White House American Rescue Plan
Developing AI Chat Bots
To enable members of Congress to digest the content of legislation before voting for it. We are also working with the National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health to build chatbots on a wide range of diseases to make it easier for physicians, researchers, and other medical professionals to ask questions regarding specific medical conditions.
The key goal of this project is to make it easier for members of Congress, consumers, and medical professionals to acquire knowledge from Large Language Models quickly and easily.
Project Partners:
- Knowledge Discovery Solutions
- Shaping Tomorrow
The key goal of this project is to make it easier for individuals who have low vision, and individuals who are blind, to access and use AI knowledge bases. Another goal is to help members of Congress, consumers, and medical professionals to acquire knowledge from very large troves of information, quickly and easily, using AI chatbots!
Developed an audio tour app for various outdoor exhibits at Fort Griswold.
To make Revolutionary War history come alive with a human-narrated audio tour of various exhibits at Fort Griswold through a smartphone mobile app. The app would also make accessible for individuals of most abilities and ages audio recordings of historic documents that emphasize research conducted on Connecticut’s Revolutionary War’s forgotten voices of indigenous people, African Americans, women, and war widows.
A key goal of this project is to educate and make available generally unknown information about the roles of indigenous people, African Americans, women, and war widows in the Revolutionary War at Fort Griswold (New London, Conn.) and associated sites for both in-person and virtual visitors. The project leverages state-of-the-art audio production technology with new smartphone mobile app technology to create an accessible and appealing educational experience for individuals of varied abilities.
The new mobile technology developed for this project leverages the CRISAccess Audio Tour mobile app by adding the ability to provide visitors of most ages and abilities with access to new research and additional information about the site and associated areas in an easy-to-use and appealing manner. The project will focus on both in-person enhanced educational experiences for visitors at Fort Griswold as well as a virtual online experience made available on the Fort Griswold and CRIS Radio webpage – and our partners’ webpages if so desired — that includes the audio tour of Fort Griswold, the original historic documents, transcripts of those documents, and audio recordings.
Funding Agency
- National Park Service
Project Partners
- Connecticut Dept. of Education
- Central Connecticut State University
- Connecticut Historical Society
- University of Connecticut
- CRIS Radio
- Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection
Developed Smart Home Helper®
To enable individuals who are nonverbal, and individuals with speech disorders such as stuttering, apraxia, and dysarthria, to issue verbal commands to control voice-activated smart home devices.
Smart Home Helper is a no-cost-to-the-user Android app that Smart Home Helper uses Android’s Text-to-Speech capability to enable users to create, organize, and issue smart home commands using human-sounding synthesized speech in 63 languages.
Before trying to use the app, we highly recommend reading the user documentation and then watching the video.
User Documentation:
- Online - Microsoft Word format: - PDF format: - EPUB format: - HTML format: - Video:
Funding Agencies:
- National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research
- Administration for Community Living
- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Project Partners:
- Georgia Tech
- LiveWell Rehabilitation Research Center for Information and Communications Technology Access (ICT) Access
- Center for the Development and Application of Internet of Things Technologies
Developed Jonathan’s Dream® GIS/GPS Mobile Tour App
The mobile app enhances the playground’s accessibility, particularly for people who are blind or have low vision. Audio descriptions of the playground equipment are triggered by the smartphone’s GPS function or scan of a QR Code.
Jonathan’s Dream Park, an accessible and inclusive playground designed for all ages and abilities, is even more accessible now thanks to CRIS Radio’s GPS mobile app that helps guide visitors who are blind or have low vision through the park.
The $1.2 million playground is located on the Mandell Jewish Community Center campus on Bloomfield Avenue in West Hartford.
The Greater Hartford Host Lions Club raised funds toward the development of the mobile app, and the balance was funded through a technology grant awarded by the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving.
Funding Organizations:
- Hartford Foundation for Public Giving
- The Greater Hartford Host Lions Club
Project Partner:
- CRIS Radio
Developed uCaption® – Generation II
The objective of developing uCaption is to provide an alternative to professional CART services (and not replace) in situations where the use of professional CART services are not logistically, technically, or financially possible.
uCaption, a real-time text-streaming caption correction service, allows event participants (who have permission), to generate real-time captions using advanced speech-to-text (STT) technology. In addition, corrections can be made to captions in realtime. The corrections will be seen instantly by everyone viewing the captions, both locally and remotely. This will make highly accurate, low-cost, captioning services available as an alternative to professional CART services in situations where the use of professional CART services is not logistically possible, technically possible, or affordable.
Issues Addressed by uCaption:
Hundreds of millions of people worldwide, who are deaf, deaf-blind, or hard-of-hearing are being disenfranchised because events they wish to participate in are not live captioned. Forty-eight million Americans have a significant hearing or a combined hearing/vision loss. Almost 900 million worldwide have some degree of hearing loss. Two-thirds of the world’s deaf and hard-of-hearing population reside in developing countries.
Compatible Languages:
Afrikaans, Amharic, Arabic, Armenian, Azerbaijani, Basque, Bengali, Bulgarian, Catalan, Chinese (Cantonese), Chinese (Mandarin), Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Filipino, Finnish, French, Galician, Georgian, German, Greek, Gujarati, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Icelandic, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Javanese, Kannada, Khmer, Korean, Lao, Latvian, Lithuanian, Malay, Malayalam, Marathi, Nepali, Norwegian, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Sinhala, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Sundanese, Swahili, Swedish, Tamil, Telugu, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Urdu, Vietnamese, and Zulu.
Additional Information:
Funding Organization:
- Google Foundation
Project Partner:
- TDI (formally known as Telecommunications for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Inc.)
IDEAL AI SmartDrive Portable Education Solution
- Integrated (with Alpha v0.4) and User-Tested the GPT 2-1.5B parameter weights
- Developed and User-Tested our fourth Alpha (Alpha v0.4) IDEAL AI SmartDrive Portable education solution using GPT 2-1.5B parameter version.
- Developed and User-Tested our second and third Alpha (Alpha v0.2 and Alpha v0.3) IDEAL AI SmartDrive Portable education solution using GPT 2-345M parameter version and GPT 2-774M parameter version.
- Developed and User-Tested our first Alpha (Alpha v0.1) IDEAL AI SmartDrive Portable education solution using GPT 2 117M parameter version.
- To develop an innovative education solution in support of students K-21 with neurocognitive disabilities.
Funding Organization:
- Jacobs Family Trust
Project Advisors:
- Many AI engineering business colleagues provided guidance.
Developed Speech2RTT® Communicator
To enable people who are deaf, hard of hearing, and non-verbal to communicate with anyone, including people who can hear and speak, using their Android smartphone. Speech2RTT works across all wireless networks. It transcribes and then streams the text of what is being said, in real-time, between individuals. If a user cannot speak or opts not to speak, they can type what they want to say, in real-time. Speech2RTT is available on Google Play and accommodates transcribing any one of 68 languages for users in 94 countries. Communications are 100% private. No live communications assistants (CAs) are involved… and no limits are imposed on the length of a communication.
Compatible Languages:
Afrikaans, Amharic, Arabic, Armenian, Azerbaijani, Basque, Bengali, Bulgarian, Catalan, Chinese (Cantonese), Chinese (Mandarin), Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Filipino, Finnish, French, Galician, Georgian, German, Greek, Gujarati, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Icelandic, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Javanese, Kannada, Khmer, Korean, Lao, Latvian, Lithuanian, Malay, Malayalam, Marathi, Nepali, Norwegian, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Sinhala, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Sundanese, Swahili, Swedish, Tamil, Telugu, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Urdu, Vietnamese, and Zulu.
- Enables people who are deaf, hard of hearing, and nonverbal to communicate with anyone – using their Android smartphone;
- Works over all cellular networks;
- Transcribes speech to text, in real-time, in 68 languages;
- Communications are 100% private. No communications assistants (CAs) are involved;
- No limits are imposed on the length of communications;
- Offered at no cost until October 1, 2018, at which time a $12 annual fee will be assessed for continued use;
- Offers 24×7 availability with absolutely no waiting time;
- Enables users to communicate “on the go” since it is a mobile app;
- Fast communications: less than 300 ms latency streaming from one device to another; and,
- No voice training is needed, even with accents;
Additional Information:
Funding Agencies:
- National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research
- Administration for Community Living
- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Project Partners:
- LiveWell Rehabilitation Research Center for Information and Communications Technology Access (ICT) Access
Developed IDEAL VoiceBase® Captioning Infrastructure
to provide users the ability to upload audio recordings and uncaptioned /poorly captioned videos for automatic captioning. The system is capable of transcribing speech in any of the following languages/dialects: Dutch, English (Australian), English (Indian) , English (South East Asian), English (UK), English (US), French, German, Italian, Spanish, and Spanish (Latin American). The following formats are accepted: 3gp, aac, aiff, amr, asf, au, avi, caf, cf, flac, flv, m4a, m4v, mov, mp3, mp4, mpeg, mpg, ogg, ra, wav, webm, wma, and wmv. Audio recordings/videos are automatically captioned using neural networks and a highly sophisticated base of human speech recognition algorithms. The captions are then returned to the user in a time-coded editor that enables them (or someone else) to easily edit the captions without throwing off the timing of the captions.
Compatible Languages:
Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish.
Additional Information:
- Home Page
- Funding Agency:
- National Archives – National Historical Publications & Records Commission
Project Partners:
- CRIS Radio
- Connecticut State Library
Developed Technology in Support of the National Archives “Literacy and Engagement with Historical Records Project”
The objectives of this project were to identify, test, and make available an easily replicable “no-cost” suite of open-source applications capable of providing archivists the ability to publish historical content into formats that are accessible to library patrons with print disabilities. From a functional standpoint, the applications being provided will enable archivists to:
- Extract text embedded in images, thereby making the text accessible to a wide variety of technologies used by individuals with print disabilities;
- Create/Publish accessible DAISY, Word, and EPUB3 eBooks;
- As a demonstration project only, access knowledge discovery technology is designed to make it easier for individuals with print disabilities to acquire knowledge from archive collection materials.
- Extract text embedded in images, thereby making the text accessible to a wide variety of technologies used by individuals with print disabilities;
- Create/Publish accessible DAISY, Word, and EPUB3 eBooks;
As a demonstration project only, access knowledge discovery technology to make it easier for individuals with print disabilities to acquire knowledge from archive collection materials.
Additional Information:
- Video Introduction
- High-Level Flowchart of Tutorials
- Tutorial Objectives and Requirements for Success
- Index of Tutorials
Funding Agency:
- National Archives – National Historical Publications & Records Commission
Project Partners:
- CRIS Radio
- Connecticut State Library
Developed “Voices of World War I”® Technology
- Make WWI Archives Accessible to Individuals with print disabilities
Additional Information:
Funding Agency:
- National Archives – National Historical Publications & Records Commission
Project Partners:
- CRIS Radio
- Connecticut State Library
Developed uCaption® – Generation I
The objective of developing uCaption is to provide an alternative to professional CART services (and not replace) in situations where the use of professional CART services are not logistically, technically, or financially possible.
uCaption, a real-time text-streaming caption correction service, allows event participants (who have permission), to generate real-time captions using advanced speech-to-text (STT) technology. In addition, corrections can be made to captions in real time. The corrections will be seen instantly by everyone viewing the captions, both locally and remotely. This will make highly accurate, low-cost, captioning services available as an alternative to professional CART services in situations where the use of professional CART services are not logistically possible, technically possible, or affordable.
Issues Addressed by uCaption:
Hundreds of millions of people worldwide, who are deaf, deaf-blind, or hard-of-hearing are being disenfranchised because events they wish to participate in are not live captioned. Forty-eight million Americans have a significant hearing or a combined hearing/vision loss. Almost 900 million worldwide have some degree of hearing loss. Two-thirds of the world’s deaf and hard-of-hearing population reside in developing countries.
Compatible Languages:
Afrikaans, Amharic, Arabic, Armenian, Azerbaijani, Basque, Bengali, Bulgarian, Catalan, Chinese (Cantonese), Chinese (Mandarin), Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Filipino, Finnish, French, Galician, Georgian, German, Greek, Gujarati, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Icelandic, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Javanese, Kannada, Khmer, Korean, Lao, Latvian, Lithuanian, Malay, Malayalam, Marathi, Nepali, Norwegian, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Sinhala, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Sundanese, Swahili, Swedish, Tamil, Telugu, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Urdu, Vietnamese, and Zulu.
Additional Information:
Funding Organization:
- Google Foundation
Project Partner:
- TDI (formally known as Telecommunications for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Inc.)
Developed 4 Mobile, Assistive Technology, applications.
Funding Agencies/Organizations: Please see each app for details.
- CRIS Radio®: Released on October 2, 2016
Funded by CRIS Radio, Inc. - IDEAL MathWriter®: Released on September 27, 2016
Funded by the Jacobs Family Trust
Video - IDEAL Access 4 RAZ®: Released on August 20, 2016
Funded by RAZ Mobility - EZ Access to Federal Register®: Released on May 15, 2016
Funded by the General Services Administration
Evaluated Kroger Company’s public-facing pharmacy websites
The objective of this project was to identify ways to maximize accessibility.
Funding Organization:
- Kroger Company
Developed 4 Mobile, Assistive Technology, applications.
Funding Agencies/Organizations: Please see each app for details.
- IDEAL Self-Voicing News Feed Reader®: Released on September 15, 2015
Funded by the Jacobs Family Trust - Easy Access for Khan®: Released on May 10, 2015
Funded by the Jacobs Family Trust - Trump Presidential Documents®: Released on May 9, 2015
Funded by the Jacobs Family Trust - Meme Maker®: Released on March 3, 2015
Funded by IDEAL Group, Inc.
Established Knowledge Discovery Solutions, Inc.
To offer knowledge-mining resources and solutions in support of gathering “anticipatory intelligence” to help government agencies identify and act upon emerging opportunities as well as identify the risks associated with those opportunities, in the areas of educating students with disabilities K-20, disability policy, assistive technology, advanced accommodation strategies, etc.
Additional Information:
Developed 5 Mobile, Assistive Technology, applications.
Funding Agencies/Organizations: Please see each app for details.
- EasyAccess for Android®: Released on September 13, 2014
Funded by Google, Inc. - Document Knowledge Miner: Released August 19, 2014
Funded by IDEAL Group, Inc. - IDEAL Voter Information Guide Beta®: Released on June 10, 2014
Funded by: The Information Technology Innovation Foundation and U.S. Election Assistance Commission - Easy Access to Khan®: Released on April 15, 2014
Funded by IDEAL Group, Inc. - GuideDroid GPS®: Released on January 16, 2014
Funded by IDEAL Group, Inc.
Developed IDEAL Captions®
To provide a fully accessible, real time, captioning infrastructure in support of people who are hard of hearing or deaf.
Compatible Languages:
Afrikaans, Amharic, Arabic, Armenian, Azerbaijani, Basque, Bengali, Bulgarian, Catalan, Chinese (Cantonese), Chinese (Mandarin), Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Filipino, Finnish, French, Galician, Georgian, German, Greek, Gujarati, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Icelandic, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Javanese, Kannada, Khmer, Korean, Lao, Latvian, Lithuanian, Malay, Malayalam, Marathi, Nepali, Norwegian, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Sinhala, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Sundanese, Swahili, Swedish, Tamil, Telugu, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Urdu, Vietnamese, and Zulu.
Additional Information:
Funding Agencies:
- National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research
- Administration for Community Living
- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Project Partner:
- Trace Research & Development Center | – University Of Maryland
Developed IDEAL 10-Band, High Definition, Voice Equalizer with Bone Conduction Technology®
Develop and pair a graphics equalizer with powerful bone conduction technology to enable individuals with conductive hearing loss to hear more clearly. Note: Conductive Hearing Loss is due to problems with the ear canal, ear drum, or middle ear and its tiny bones.
Additional Information:
Funding Organization:
- The Jacobs Family Trust
Project Partners:
- MaxVirtual
- 2013 International Consumer Electronics Show
- Eureka Park – 2013 CES
Developed Remote Real-Time Description (RRTD) – You Describe®:
Remote real-time description (RRTD) is a simple technique that will allow a describer anywhere in the world to provide real-time description for a video stream being viewed by a visually impaired student at home, in the classroom, or on the go. In RRTD, a video feed is streamed to the describer who passes the audio (and optionally the video) to the student, along with the added live description. This ensures the synchronization of the original audio/video stream with the descriptive commentary. If the webcast or webinar is interactive, any audio and/or video from the student is then streamed directly back to the original source to allow the student to ask questions or make comments. This approach makes the experimental technology extremely inexpensive and easy to deploy to testers and potential users. As with all of the Center’s software technologies, the RRTD prototype app will be made available as free and open-source software (FOSS) at the conclusion of the project. One of the potential strengths of RRTD is that it would only require a willing describer and reliable Internet connectivity for both parties. This technique would make it possible for a parent at home to provide free description services for a student in the classroom. It would also allow a professional describer in a remote location to provide descriptive services for one or more students with visual disabilities
Additional Information:
Funding Agencies:
- National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research
- Administration for Community Living
- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Project Partner:
- Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research Institute
Developed and released nine, mobile, assistive technology applications
Funding Agencies/Organizations: Please see each app for details.
- IDEAL Web Reader V4.0 Beta®: Released on December 13, 2013
Funded by the Wireless Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center
Video-3 - Sound Recorder – ASR®: Released on July 30, 2013
Funded by the Wireless Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center - ASHA DAISY Reader®: Released on July 28, 2013
Funded by IDEAL Group, Inc. - IDEAL Web Math K-8®: Released on July 26, 2013
Funded by Discovery Education - IDEAL Web Math General Math®: Released on July 26, 2013
Funded by Discovery Education - IDEAL Web Math for Everyone®: Released on July 25, 2013
Funded by Discovery Education - IDEAL Web Math Plots/Geometry®: Released on July 25, 2013
Funded by Discovery Education - IDEAL Web Math Trig/Calculus®: Released on July 24, 2013
Funded by Discovery Education - IDEAL ePub Creator®: Released on May 15, 2013
Funded by the Wireless Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center
IDEAL Group was recognized, by President Obama for leading education and employment efforts in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) for Americans with disabilities.
Created Advanced Features for InftyReader®:
- InftyReader Edit Copy Math
Video - InftyReader Automatically Converting a PNG Math Image to MathML
Video - InftyReader Automatically Converting a BMP Math Image to LaTeX
Video - InftyReader: Automatically render a PDF IMAGE of Math as a Word Equation!
Developed IDEAL’s Portable Assistive Technology (AT) Software SmartDrive®
- To make portable, “no-cost-to-the-user,” assistive technology software available to anyone wishing or needing to use it”
Benefits of PATSS:
- Improve transition outcomes for individuals with disabilities from home to school, home to work, school to school, school to college, school to employment, college to employment and in adult life in general;
- Reduce the cost of providing AT software;
- Eliminate ownership issues that preclude individuals from carrying their AT software with them from school/work and using it on any PC they desire or need to use;
- Reduce incompatibility and interoperability issues between AT software and the applications already residing on the PC being used; This is true because the AT software being used is not downloaded to, or installed on, the PC being used. All AT applications are installed on, and executed directly from, the PATSS.
- Eliminate the negative impact of vandalism and innocent corruption of PC-based AT software. This is true because the AT software being used is not downloaded to, or installed on, the PC being used. All AT applications are installed on, and executed directly from, the PATSS.
- Eliminate licensing limitations that make it illegal for individuals to use their AT software on any PC they desire or need to use;
- Minimize the problem of too few AT software-equipped computers in schools, colleges, libraries, community centers, places of employment, and elsewhere since the user carries their AT software with them wherever they go;
- Reduce the financial losses resulting from AT software abandonment;
- Eliminate acquisition time, purchasing frustration, and red tape;
- Eliminate the stigma of having to use a “special” PC or reserve time to use a PC in a “special” computer lab; and most importantly,
- Enhance the quality-of-life, independence, quality-of-education and employability of individuals with disabilities;
- Video
Funding Agency:
- NIDRR – National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research
Project Partner:
- The Ohio State University Nisonger Center
Developed 13 Mobile, Assistive Technology, applications.
Funding Agencies/Organizations: Please see each app for details.
- IDEAL Group Reader®: Released on September 16, 2012
Funded by the Wireless Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center
IDEAL Group Reader Reading eBooks using High-Quality Text-To-Speech Voices in 21 Languages! - IDEAL Currency Identifier®: Released on September 4, 2012
Funded by the Bureau of Engraving and Printing
Video-2 - IDEAL MP3 Player®: Released on August 29, 2012
Funded by Apps4Android, Inc. - IDEAL Ask Eindroid II®: Released on August 27, 2012
Funded by Apps4Android, Inc.
Description: Wish your smartphone was smart? Smart enough to answer questions about stocks, sports, the news, math, and more with no more effort from you than simply speaking to it? With Eindroid, it is! Just ask Eindroid a question, and it will tell you the answer! No typing is required! Eindroid -Your smartphone just got smarter! - Ask Eindroid®: Funded by Apps4Android, Inc.
Description: Wish your smartphone was smart? Smart enough to answer questions about stocks, sports, the news, math, and more with no more effort from you than simply speaking to it? With Eindroid, it is! Just ask Eindroid a question, and it will tell you the answer! No typing required! Eindroid -Your smartphone just got smarter!
Video-2 - IDEAL Equation Finder®: Released on August 27, 2012
Funded by Apps4Android, Inc. - IDEAL Knowledgebase®: Released on August 27, 2012
Funded by Apps4Android, Inc. - IDEAL WebMath Algebra®: Released on August 27, 2012
Funded by Discovery Education - PhlashCut®: Released on August 10, 2012
Funded by Apps4Android, Inc. - IDEAL Accessible YoutubeViewer®: Released on June 15, 2012
Funded by Apps4Android, Inc. - Sprint ID Packs®: Released on June 10, 2012
Funded by Sprint - IDEAL Web Access Pack®: Released on May 10, 2012
Funded by the Wireless Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center
Description: IDEAL Web Reader – A self-voicing browser for Android. Also comes with a plug-in that adds self-voicing capabilities to WebView for accessibility outside of IDEAL Web Reader. - IDEAL Talking Tags®: Released on February 14, 2012
Funded by the Wireless Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center
Developed seven mobile assistive technology applications
Funding Agencies/Organizations: Please see each app for details.
- InftyReader’s Beta, Speech-Driven, Version of InftyEditor®:
Funded by Apps4Android, Inc.
Video - Samsung Tab Serving as a Notetaker with a Braille Keyboard!
Funded by Apps4Android, Inc.
Video - Apps4Android’s Text-to-Speech based Audio Description®: Application for YouTube Videos
Funded by Google
Video - TeleDroid®: Medical Application
Funded by private investors
Video-2 - NFC TecTiles
Funded by Apps4Android, Inc.
Video Acquired by Samsung - Apps4Android’s Tactile, Virtual Keyboard, Screen Protectors®:
Funded by Google
Video - Apps4Android’s Speech-Enabled Enhancement to CoolReader®:
Funded by Apps4Android, Inc.
Video-2 - Developed an Android, open source, fully accessible, eBook Reader
Develop Phase I of a fully accessible Android eBook Reader (IDEAL Group Reader)
Additional Information:
Funding Agencies/Organizations:
- Ohio Board of Regents
- Ohio Rehabilitation Services Commission
Project Partner:
- The Ohio State University Dept. of Integrated Systems Engineering
Developed an advanced, accessible, mobile web browser
IDEAL Web Reader II Beta®: Released on June 1, 2010
Funded by the Wireless Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center
Additional Information:
Funding Agencies/Organizations:
- Ohio Board of Regents;
- Ohio Rehabilitation Services Commission;
Project Partner:
- The Ohio State University Dept. of Integrated Systems Engineering
Developed 12 Mobile, Assistive Technology, applications.
Funding Agencies/Organizations: Please see each app for details.
- IDEAL Web Reader®: Released on December 29, 2011
Funded by the Wireless Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center
Video-3 - IDEAL Accessible App Installer®: Released on October 7, 2011
Funded by IDEAL Group, Inc. - docPort Beta®: Released on May 9, 2011
Funded by IDEAL Group, Inc. - NewsPort®: Released on May 9, 2011
Funded by IDEAL Group, Inc. - Vista Center®: Released on April 21, 2011
Funded by Google - Best Voices – SVOX Sampler®: Released on February 4, 2011
Funded by IDEAL Group, Inc.
Description: Best Voices for Android languages include Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, Canadian French, Cantonese, Czech, Danish, Dutch, European Spanish, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin, Mexican Spanish, Norwegian, Portuguese, Russian, Swedish, Turkish, UK English, and US English. - IDEAL Access 4 AT&T®: Released on February 4, 2011
Funded by AT&T
Description: This IDEAL Apps4Android Accessibility Application Installer (AAI) is customized for subscribers of AT&T® in the United States. - IDEAL Access 4 Sprint®: Released on February 4, 2011
Funded by Sprint
This IDEAL Apps4Android Accessibility Application Installer (AAI) is customized for subscribers of Sprint® in the United States. - IDEAL Access 4 T-Mobile®: Released on February 4, 2011
Funded by T-Mobile
This IDEAL Apps4Android Accessibility Application Installer (AAI) is customized for subscribers of T-Mobile® in the United States, Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, United Kingdom, Netherlands, and Poland. - IDEAL Access 4 Verizon®: Released on February 4, 2011
Funded by Verizon
This IDEAL Apps4Android Accessibility Application Installer (AAI) is customized for subscribers of Verizon® in the United States. - IDEAL Access 4 Vodaphone®: Released on February 4, 2011
Funded by Vodafone
This IDEAL Apps4Android Accessibility Application Installer (AAI) is customized for subscribers of Vodaphone® in Australia, Switzerland, Germany, Spain, France, United Kingdom, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, New Zealand, Portugal, and Romania. - IDEAL Access 4 Other Carriers®: Released on January 15, 2011
Funded by IDEAL Group, Inc.
Description: This IDEAL Apps4Android Accessibility Application Installer (AAI) is customized for subscribers of China Mobile® in China, KT® in Korea, Telefónica®, O2®, Atento®, Terra®, and Movistar®in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Czech Republic, Colombia, Ecuador, Germany, Guatemala, Ireland, El Salvador, Mexico, Morocco, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Slovakia, the Netherlands and the UK, Bouygues Telecom®/Orange® in France, Rogers® in Canada, Boost Mobile®, Virgin Mobile®, MetroPCS®, and nTelos® in the United States, Optus® in Australia, DOCOMO®, SoftBank®, and au by KDDI® in Japan, Singtel® in Singapore, , and all other Android smart device carrier’s in Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Israel, Japan, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Mexico, Norway, Philippines, Russia, Serbia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Sweden, Taiwan, and Thailand.
IDEAL Apps4Android’s AAIs are carrier-specific applications designed to make it easier and more intuitive for wireless carrier retail store personnel, help desk professionals, and wireless subscribers to identify, download, install, sample, and purchase (if the app is a paid app) applications that enhance the accessibility of Android smart devices. All current accessibility applications delivered by this AAI are at “no-cost-to-the-user.” In the near future IDEAL Apps4Android’s AAIs will include previews of, and the ability to purchase, paid Android accessibility applications.
IDEAL Group received a federal appointment to sit on the FCC’s Video Programming Accessibility Advisory Committee (VPAAC) as well as being a co-author of the legislation.
IDEAL Group’s CEO, Steve Jacobs, served as an expert witness before the House Committee on the Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties hearing on Achieving the Promise of the Americans with Disabilities Act in the Digital Age – Current Issues, Challenges, and Opportunities
Developed IDEAL SubTube®:
Provide the ability to display one of multiple caption/subtitle video tracks, depending upon the language preference of the viewer.
Compatible Languages:
Additional Information:
Funding Organization:
- Google, Inc.
Developed 24 Mobile, Assistive Technology, applications.
Funding Agencies/Organizations: Many. Please see each app for details.
- Chandroid: /b/rowser®: Released on December 30, 2010
Funded by Apps4Android, Inc.
Video - IDEAL Text Enlarger®: Released on December 19, 2010
Funded by Apps4Android, Inc.
Description: IDEAL Text Enlarger will make the text in most of your Android smartphone’s applications larger than usual. To change the default size of text, go to “Text Size” and choose the size you would like to use.Text enlargement is not a normally supported feature in Android. We had to do a few non-standard bits of Android programming magic to make it work. As a result, it might not be 100% compatible with all applications. - Chandroid Animated ImageViewer:®: Released on December 3, 2010
Funded by Apps4Android, Inc. - Better Voices for Cupcake®: Released on December 1, 2010
Funded by Google
Description: Do you wish the Text-to-speech on your Android phone sounded better and less robotic? We have repackaged the newer, better-sounding female Donut voices so they will work on your Cupcake phone. This will make all of your talking applications sound better in English (US & UK), Italian, German, French, and Spanish! - Talking Caller ID®: Released on November 1, 2010
Funded by Google
Description: Talking Caller ID will speak the caller ID info. We had initially planned to sell this app, but we decided that we should reward our loyal SMSpeaker customers for their support and feedback! This relies on functionality from SMSpeaker. Note: Talking Caller ID has now been upgraded to uses Google’s Donut Text-To-Speech (TTS) library for higher quality speech. - Speaking Pad®: Released on October 1, 2010
Funded by Google
Description: A talking notepad for Android. This notepad will speak what you type. This application uses the TTS (Text-To-Speech) library for Android. - Sound /b/oard (Make your own)®: Released on September 10, 2010
Funded by Apps4Android, Inc. - SMSpeaker®: Released on August 25, 2010
Funded by Google
Description: Ever wish your phone could read your SMS messages out to you? Then SMSpeaker is for you! Note: SMSpeaker has now been upgraded to uses Google’s Donut Text-To-Speech (TTS) library for higher quality speech. - Image Viewer with Animation®: Released on July 10, 2010
Funded by Apps4Android, Inc.
Description: Want animated gifs to animate? Want a simple, straightforward image viewer that offers multi-touch zoom gestures on newer devices (Droid, Nexus, etc)? Then get IDEAL’s Image Viewer today! We support GIF, JPG, and PNG formats. Sample animated GIFs available on our website. - Onymous App Installer®: Released on July 5, 2010
Funded by Apps4Android, Inc. - IDEAL AD Movie Viewer®: Released on July 1, 2010
Funded by Apps4Android, Inc. - Celeb Voicemail: Sound /b/oard®: Released on June 15, 2010
Funded by Apps4Android, Inc. - Tim & Eric 1: Sound /b/oard®: Released on June 15, 2010
Funded by Apps4Android, Inc. - IDEAL AndroidVox browser®: Released on June 11, 2010
Funded by the Wireless Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center - Tha Icon®: Released on June 10, 2010
Funded by Apps4Android, Inc. - Tim & Eric 2: Sound /b/oard®: Released on May 15, 2010
Funded by Apps4Android, Inc. - Chandroid: ChanSelector®: Released on May 10, 2010
Funded by Apps4Android, Inc. - IDEAL Magnifier Chinese Version 放大镜®: Released on May 1, 2010
Funded by the Wireless Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center
Description: IDEAL Video Magnifier is An Android smartphone-based handheld magnification application. It was designed for individuals with low vision who need support reading documents. - IDEAL Magnifier®: Released on April 10, 2010
Funded by the Wireless Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center
Video 1
Description: IDEAL Video Magnifier is An Android smartphone-based handheld magnification application. It was designed for individuals with low vision who need support reading documents. - Icon Packs®: Released on March 8, 2010
Funded by Apps4Android, Inc. - IDEAL Item Identifier®: Released on March 3, 2010
Funded by the Wireless Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center
Description: IDEAL Item Identifier is barcode-reading software that enables Android smartphone users to take a picture of standard UPC and QR codes and then hear a description of the item read out loud using Google’s TTS voices. - Game Over: Sound /b/oard®: Released on February 15, 2010
Funded by Apps4Android, Inc. - IDEAL Accessible K9 E-Mail/K-9 Mail®: Released on February 10, 2010
Funded by the Wireless Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center
Description: IDEAL K9 E-Mail is an Android-based e-mail client that is accessible using Google’s Talkback and other Android screenreaders. This is based on the K9 E-Mail application. - iAugComm®: Released on January 12, 2010
Funded by Apps4Android, Inc.
Description: iAugComm transforms the G1 into a powerful, high-quality, low-Price augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) device, which can enable individuals who are non-verbal or whose speech is difficult to understand to communicate easily and effectively using a simple, icon-based interface.
Family Guy: Released on January 10, 2010
Funded by Apps4Android, Inc.
Developed the technology used by the Lead the Way III Project
Lead The Way provides curriculum instruction and hands-on experience that increases students’ access and participation in education and the local workforce. Students are prepared to meet the needs of the local labor market. We incorporate design features that are based upon research into what youth with disabilities can do to prepare for themselves for a successful future. All of the activities and events fit into the following four design features:
Basic Literacy/Information & Computer Technology: The focus is on services and activities requiring support such as tutoring to improve basic skills, homework help to increase academic performance, assistive technology to address accommodation needs, career assessments, and computer skills training & certification.
Transition Activities: This feature examines the connecting activities necessary to assist participants’ transition to their next phase in life – one that will hopefully provide for economic self-sufficiency. Activities will include information on Social Security Benefits, transportation, accessing medical care/services, banking services, and housing.
Work Readiness Skills: Work-based experiences include a range of activities that build up to on-the-job experiences. These include training opportunities, site visits, job shadowing, internships, entrepreneurial ventures, and paid employment. Such experiences are an essential component to promoting informed choice in post-secondary options and careers.
Leadership & Self-advocacy: These youth development and leadership activities will help young people become self-sufficient and productive members of society. This design feature includes providing supportive adults, opportunities for developing independent decision-making skills, encouraging service learning, and promoting the development of self-determination and self-advocacy skills.
Additional Information:
Funding Agencies:
- Department of Labor – Office of Disability Employment Policy
- Ohio Rehabilitation Services Commission
Project Partner:
- Lead the Way
Developed IDEAL Group Reader’s Design for All Attributes
More Information:
Established Apps4Android, Inc.
Established in January, 2009, Apps4Android is a social entrepreneurship company. Apps4Android’s primary objective is to facilitate widespread technological changes that enhance the independence, quality of life, and employability of individuals with disabilities. Apps4Android is now the world’s largest developer of Android applications designed in support of individuals with disabilities, with 25+ million installations Apps4Android apps are installed on the devices of 82 wireless manufacturers and distributed by 568 wireless service providers in 143 countries. In 2017, Apps4Android developed Speech2RTT® Communicator. Speech2RTT® Communicator enables people who are deaf, hard of hearing, late-deafened, deaf-blind, and speech-impaired, to communicate with other people, using a standard Android smart phone. It accommodates users in 90+ countries in any of 60+ languages. See:
Developed Access Tomorrow’s Assistive Technology Smart Drive®:
Access Tomorrow is a project that employs an innovative model in which open-source assistive technologies (AT) are being modified to execute and run off of portable Smart Drives. The portable Smart Drives are integrated into a fully-accessible online learning environment which provides students with disabilities access to a self-directed on-line transition preparation course. This course uses the personally relevant context of transitioning from high school to college/employment, with emphasis on online exploration of student’s strengths, needs, skills, and career interests. In addition, the course offers opportunities for students to learn basic Information Technology (IT) skills that are integrated into Language Arts academic standards. The above process is being used to improve the academic and transition outcomes of high school students with disabilities.
Funding Agency:
- NIDRR – National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research
Project Partner:
- The Ohio State University Nisonger Center
Developed IDEAL Image Viewer®:
To view animated gifs. It is a simple to use, straightforward, image viewer. Image Viewer offers multi-touch zoom gestures on newer devices (Droid, Nexus, etc). It supports GIF, JPG, and PNG formats. Sample animated GIFs available on our website. You don’t need this add-on if you are running a phone with HTC Sense UI.”
Developed the technology used by the Lead the Way II Project
Lead The Way provides curriculum instruction and hands-on experience that increases students’ access and participation in education and the local workforce. Students are prepared to meet the needs of the local labor market. We incorporate design features that are based upon research into what youth with disabilities can do to prepare for themselves for a successful future. All of the activities and events fit into the following four design features:
Basic Literacy/Information & Computer Technology: The focus is on services and activities requiring support such as tutoring to improve basic skills, homework help to increase academic performance, assistive technology to address accommodation needs, career assessments, and computer skills training & certification.
Transition Activities: This feature examines the connecting activities necessary to assist participants’ transition to their next phase in life – one that will hopefully provide for economic self-sufficiency. Activities will include information on Social Security Benefits, transportation, accessing medical care/services, banking services, and housing.
Work Readiness Skills: Work-based experiences include a range of activities that build up to on-the-job experiences. These include training opportunities, site visits, job shadowing, internships, entrepreneurial ventures, and paid employment. Such experiences are an essential component to promoting informed choice in post-secondary options and careers.
Leadership & Self-advocacy: These youth development and leadership activities will help young people become self-sufficient and productive members of society. This design feature includes providing supportive adults, opportunities for developing independent decision-making skills, encouraging service learning, and promoting the development of self-determination and self-advocacy skills.
Additional Information:
Funding Agencies:
- Department of Labor – Office of Disability Employment Policy
- Ohio Rehabilitation Services Commission
Project Partner:
- Lead the Way
Established assistive technology-focused LinkedIn Groups…
in support of bringing assistive technology professionals together in support of enhancing the quality of life, education, independence, and employability of people with disabilities through the use of technology.
- Advocates for Accessible e-Learning Ecosystems - Android Accessibility Interest Group - Assistive Technology Professionals - Disability Student Services Professionals - K12 Assistive Technology Professionals - Math Accessibility Professionals - Rehabilitation Technology Professionals - Section 508 Accessibility Professionals - Speech, Language and Hearing Professionals
Helped to Develop Google’s Accessibility Strategy
This is a project that showcases Web-2.0 applications that have been access/speech-enabled using AxsJAX!
Additional Information:
Funding Agency/Organization:
Developed Technology in Support of Central Ohio’s Workforce Investment Corporation Camp-IT Project®:
Additional Information:
Funding Organization:
- Central Ohio’s Workforce Investment Corporation
Served as Mentors as part of OSU Nisonger E-Mentoring Program
The E-Mentoring Program is a contemporary and innovative program that matches students with disabilities with mentors who have college and/or career experience.
Additional Information:
Funding Agency:
- NIDRR – National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research
Project Partners:
- The Ohio State University Nisonger Center
Established InftyReader Group, Inc.
Established in March 2007, InftyReader Group offers a sophisticated optical character recognition application that is used by thousands of universities around the world to recognize, convert, and enable the editing of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) educational content (both print and digital) into accessible formats in support of students with print disabilities. Converted formats include LaTeX, MathML, Human Readable TeX, and Word XML. In 2012, IDEAL Group received a White House Champions of Change Award for enhancing the accessibility of STEM curriculum for students with disabilities.
Developed Georgia Tech’s Accessibility Assistant
The Accessibility Assistant is an information resource that supports the design and procurement of accessible products and services. Information content is organized into three categories: Accessibility Information, Products, and Roles. Users may visit the Accessibility Information portion of the site to obtain information about accessibility legislation and information about the functional capabilities of people with disabilities and to access a library of technical reports and other documents pertaining to accessible design. Users visiting the Products portion of the site can obtain detailed information about specific categories of products and services. By visiting the Roles section, users can gain a better understanding of the knowledge needed to successfully perform a particular role or job function related to accessible design or procurement.
Additional Information:
Funding Organization:
- Georgia Institute of Technology
Developed Technology in Support of Ohio High School High Tech
Ohio HS/HT has partnered with a local business, the IDEAL Group, Inc., to expand its use of technology. The mission of the IDEAL Group is to promote and support the use of mainstream market forces to drive the design of more accessible information and communications technology. Among other things, this company provides a means for groups to meet online and conduct fully accessible conferencing, training, and collaboration services over the Internet. In conjunction with HS/HT, the IDEAL Group is conducting state partnership meetings over the Internet and facilitating e-mentoring relationships between HS/HT students in Ohio and mentors from other countries. In addition, they are experimenting with technology-based virtual job interviews, job shadowing, industry site tours, and tutoring activities. This exciting new use of accessible Internet technology is something other HS/HT programs may want to explore.
Ohio High School/High Tech is an enrichment program for high school students with disabilities. It is designed to develop career opportunities and provide activities that will spark an interest in high technology fields and to encourage students to pursue higher education. High School/High Tech programs have been established in numerous sites across the state and country. The Ohio High School/High Tech Program, as an intervention, represents a response to several factors occurring simultaneously in the U.S.:
- The booming global and technology-driven economy
- Employer Skill Expectations for the 21st Century
- The changing demographics of the workforce
- Employment statistics for people with disabilities—an overlooked talent pool
- National Standards movement in education and other school reform efforts
- School-to-Careers initiatives
Additional Information:
Funding Agency/Organization:
- Ohio Governor’s Council on People with Disabilities
Co-Authored the Depart of Commerce STAT-USA Companion to International Marketing: Highlighting Accessibly-Designed Information and Communications Technology
The STAT-USA Companion to International Business: Highlighting Accessibly-Designed Information and Communications Technology is the second publication released by STAT-USA providing instruction on how to use federal information resources in market research and analysis. Using an effective combination of theory and practical applications, this publication presents the basic principles of international marketing and walks readers through how to use the available data to make informed business decisions. In keeping with the principal objective of the inaugural 2001 publication, the purpose of this publication is to better support international marketing, and thereby our Nation’s economic competitiveness, through training and education.
This edition improves upon the first in two important ways. First, it encourages companies involved in the burgeoning assistive technology arena. U.S. companies have provided a leading role in developing assistive technologies; yet, additional support is needed to ensure successful international business transactions in this important and rapidly growing niche market. Secondly, this publication includes expanded instructional materials for the academic community. The experiential exercises in the original Companion proved especially popular among educators for use in undergraduate international marketing curricula. Responding to their feedback, this edition includes updated exercises and instructions, as well as guidance for those not already familiar with the information and databases maintained on STAT-USA/Internet and USA Trade Online.
Additional Information:
Project partners:
- Georgetown University – McDonough School of Business
- U.S. Department of Commerce
Developed Technology in Support of Technology and Media Services for Individuals with Disabilities
Despite the current emphasis on higher academic standards, many youths with disabilities are still leaving school without the academic and 21st-century skills needed to participate fully in employment and postsecondary education. To address this gap, mentoring programs have been established and appear to have significant positive outcomes for students. However, more research is needed to examine the relationship between mentoring and academic achievement, youth employment, and postsecondary education. This project will address that need through a three‑tiered model called Access Tomorrow.
Additional Information:
Funding Agency/Organization:
- NIDRR – National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research
Project Partner:
- Ohio State University Nisonger Center
Partnered in the Canadian DisIT Alliance Retail and Public Services Project
Additional information:
Funding Agency:
- Dis*IT Disability & Information Technologies Research Alliance
Developed a website for Canadians with Disabilities – Ontario
Citizens With Disabilities – Ontario (CWDO) actively promotes the rights, freedoms and responsibilities of persons with disabilities through community development, social action, and member support and referral. Our primary activity is public education and awareness about the social and physical barriers that prevent the full inclusion of persons with disabilities in Ontario.
Additional Information:
Funding Agency/Organization:
- Citizens With Disabilities Ontario
Developed the technology used by the Lead the Way I Project
Lead The Way provides curriculum instruction and hands-on experience that increases students’ access and participation in education and the local workforce. Students are prepared to meet the needs of the local labor market. We incorporate design features that are based upon research into what youth with disabilities can do to prepare for themselves for a successful future. All of the activities and events fit into the following four design features:
Basic Literacy/Information & Computer Technology: The focus is on services and activities requiring support such as tutoring to improve basic skills, homework help to increase academic performance, assistive technology to address accommodation needs, career assessments, and computer skills training & certification.
Transition Activities: This feature examines the connecting activities necessary to assist participants’ transition to their next phase in life – one that will hopefully provide for economic self-sufficiency. Activities will include information on Social Security Benefits, transportation, accessing medical care/services, banking services, and housing.
Work Readiness Skills: Work-based experiences include a range of activities that build up to on-the-job experiences. These include training opportunities, site visits, job shadowing, internships, entrepreneurial ventures, and paid employment. Such experiences are an essential component to promoting informed choice in post-secondary options and careers.
Leadership & Self-advocacy: These youth development and leadership activities will help young people become self-sufficient and productive members of society. This design feature includes providing supportive adults, opportunities for developing independent decision-making skills, encouraging service learning, and promoting the development of self-determination and self-advocacy skills.
Additional Information:
Funding Agencies:
- Department of Labor – Office of Disability Employment Policy
- Ohio Rehabilitation Services Commission
Project Partner:
- Lead the Way
Developed a Customized Service Animal News Feed®:
Funding Agency/Organization:
- The Canadian Foundation for Animal-Assisted Support Services
IDEAL Group received a federal appointment to sit on the FCC’s Consumer Advisory Committee
The purpose of the Committee is to make recommendations to the Commission regarding consumer issues within the jurisdiction of the Commission and to facilitate the participation of all consumers in proceedings before the Commission. Meetings are open to the public and are broadcast live with open captioning over the Internet from the FCC Live webpage.
Developed technology that Enhances Academic Achievement and Transition Outcomes
The purpose of this project is to evaluate the “EnvisionIT” technology, a standards-based system designed to increase reading achievement, literacy in information and communication technologies, and transition outcomes of students with disabilities. Ultimately, EnvisionIT is designed to help students with disabilities pass state-mandated assessments, complete high school and successfully enter postsecondary education and/or employment.
Additional Information:
EnvisionIT is a curriculum for high school students that teaches information technology (IT) skills while helping students apply these skills to their career research and development of their own Transition Plan. Every week, students complete structured activities that help them identify their learning styles, skills, and occupations best match their strengths. By the end of the course, each student will:
- Develop solid information technology skills
- Complete activities relevant to their career choice
- Create a Transition Plan outlining their move from high school into college or employment.
Additional Information:
Funding Agency/Organization:
- NIDRR – National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research
Project Partner:
- The Ohio State University Nisonger Center
IDEAL Group’s CEO, Steve Jacobs co-authored the National Council on Disability report entitled, “Design for Inclusion: Creating a New Marketplace”
IDEAL Group’s CEO, Steve Jacobs co-authored the National task Force on Technology and Disability report entitled, “Within Our Reach”
Funding Agency:
- Charles Stuart Mott Foundation
IDEAL Group’s CEO, Steve Jacobs Authored, “Design for Inclusion Industry White Paper”
IDEAL Group received a federal appointment to sit on the FCC’s Consumer/Disability…
Telecommunications Advisory Committee (CDTAAC) which has since been renamed the FCC Consumer Advisory Committee.
The purpose of CDTAAC is to make recommendations to the Commission regarding consumer issues within the jurisdiction of the Commission and to facilitate the participation of consumers (including people with disabilities and underserved populations such as Native Americans and individuals living in rural areas) in proceedings before the Commission.
Developed the Assistive Technology for the Bush 54th Inauguration:
Integrated technology into Bush’s Inauguration Program and Guidebook. We took technology, then being used by the Israeli military, modified it, and came up with a method that enables a person who is blind to scan 77 pages of text… with only one pass of a scanner, with 100% accuracy. It was unbelievable!
- 54th Program Book (See Page 32): - 54th Guide Book (See Page 77) - BBC Television Broadcast:
High Bandwidth (not for public broadcast)
Low Bandwidth (not for public broadcast) - Edgar Online: Bush Presidential Inauguration Publications Use High-Tech Code: - IDEAL at NCR and Intacta Technologies, Inc. Demonstrate New Accessibility Technology:
Funding Agency/Organization:
- NCR Corporation
Staffed and Managed Ball Webcast
Additional Information:
Funding Agency/Organization:
- The White House
Developed technology in support of the International Leadership Forum for Women with Disabilities conference
Developed and managed technology for this conference
Additional Information:
Funding Agency/Organization:
- The White House
IDEAL Group’s CEO, Steve Jacobs Authored served as a co-author of the U.S. Access Board’s Electronic and Information Technology Access Advisory Committee Report that was used to develop the Access Board’s Electronic and Information Technology Accessibility Standards
Developed Collateral in Support of the Information Technology Technical Assistance and Training Center
Promote the creation, use and dissemination of accessible telecommunications and information technology (IT) by providing technical assistance, training and information.
Additional Information:
Funding Agency/Organization:
- NIDRR – National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research
Project Partner:
- Georgia Tech
IDEAL Group received a federal appointment to sit on the Access Board’s Electronic and Information Technology Access Advisory Committee (EITAAC).
EITAAC was established as a result of passage of Section 508 of the 1998 amendments to the Rehabilitation Act, which were designed to strengthen current law to ensure that people with disabilities have equity in the use of electronic and information technology (E&IT).
IDEAL Group’s CEO, Steve Jacobs Authored served as a co-author of the Telecommunications Access Advisory Committee Final Report that was used, by the Access Board, to develop their Telecommunications Act Accessibility Guidelines
This report contains a set of recommended standards and guidelines that the Access Board may use to update regulations that implement two laws regarding accessible information and communication technology (ICT): Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act and Section 255 of the Communications Act of 1996[1]. These two laws help to form the legal backbone of accessibility in the American information and communications technology (ICT) environment. In broad terms, Section 508 requires federal agencies to use accessibility as a selection criterion when procuring ICT, while the Access Board’s Section 255 requires certain telecommunications-related equipment and services to be designed, developed and fabricated to be accessible to and usable by people with disabilities, if readily achievable.
IDEAL Group received a federal appointment to sit on the Access Board’s Telecommunications… Access Advisory Committee
The Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board (Access Board) announces its intent to establish a Telecommunications Access Advisory Committee (Committee) to develop accessibility guidelines under the Telecommunications Act of 1996 and requests applications from interested organizations for representatives to serve on the Committee. The Committee will make recommendations to the Access Board on accessibility guidelines for telecommunications equipment and customer premises equipment.
IDEAL Group’s CEO, Steve Jacobs, served as an expert witness before the House Committee on Science Subcommittee on Technology Hearing on Meeting the Needs of People with Disabilities Through Federal Technology Transfer.
Designed and installed accessible prototype kiosks for the Smithsonian Institution’s American History Museum
Additional Information:
- Link to showcase:
- Kiosk Business Article:
- New York Times Article:
- Business Week Article:
- Washington Post Article:
- Photos:
Funding Agency/Organization:
- NCR Corporation
Built and Managed the Internet Resource Center: 53rd Presidential Inauguration
Additional Information:
- Photos:
- Inauguration Program:
Funding Organizations:
- Inaugural Committee
Implemented the Technology in the Department of Labor’s One-Stop Office of the Future Technology Project
Additional Information:
- Clinton’s 53rd Presidential Inauguration
Funding Agency:
- The White House
Developed the first digital talking book (DTB)
IDEAL Group developed the first, accessible, digital talking book (DTB) designed to accommodate the access needs of a wide range of students with print disabilities needing to acquire knowledge from printed/digital information. IDEAL developed this innovative DTB in support of lobbying and gaining support for the future passage of “The Chafee Amendment.” This amendment established a limitation on the exclusive rights in copyrighted works.” The Chafee Amendment was named for Senator John H. Chafee, who introduced the amendment to Congress in 1996. In addition to designing and developing the first DTB, IDEAL’s activities included lobbying with members of Congress, and promoting the concept of DTBs via live broadcast from Vice President Gore’s Residence. Photo:
and demonstrating the DTB to President Clinton. Photo:
Developed interactive video technology for sign-language communications over the Internet
Developed interactive video technology for sign-language communications over the Internet. What follows are links to a video of their first pilot test. They engaged a group of students from Horace Mann Montesory School for the Deaf to use ASL to communicate with each other at a distance! Note: The video contains historical footage of Alexander Graham Bell.
- High Bandwidth Connection: (not for public broadcast) - Low bandwidth Connection: (not for public broadcast) - Although a competitor, Sprint used our system for their pilot test in Texas: - GA-SK Newsletter article about the Texas pilot: - Reid Huntt (Chairman of the FCC at the time) and Steve Jacobs demonstrating our video system to FCC Commissioners
Funding Organizations:
- AT&T Project Freedom
- AT&T Global Information Solutions
- NCR Corporation
- AT&T Bell Labs