an experimental tool for converting math-focused PDF documents into formats such as LaTeX, MathML and text
The main goals of MaxTract are to provide translation services into standard mathematical markup languages and to add accessibility to mathematical documents on multiple levels. This includes both accessibility in the narrow sense of providing access to content for print impaired users, such as those with visual impairments, dyslexia or dyspraxia, as well as more generally to enable any user access to the mathematical content at more re-usable levels than merely visual. MaxTract produces output compatible with web browsers, screen readers, and tools such as copy and paste, which is achieved by enriching the regular text with mathematical markup. The output can also be used directly, within the limits of the presentation MathML produced, as machine readable mathematical input to software systems such as Mathematica or Maple.
Sample PDF Files for processing with Maxtract:
Samples of the output Maxtract:
Please note: The PDF files take advantage of features of PDF that are only
compatible with Adobe Reader.
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IDEAL Group, Inc. and
Context Discovery Inc. All rights reserved.
Knowledge-Mining and Visualization Technology by
IDEAL Group, Inc. and
Context Discovery Inc.