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This is a summary of mind map research and disabilities in the form of an interactive mind map.




  1. Toi, H (2009), ‘Research on how Mind Map improves Memory’. Paper presented at the International Conference on Thinking, Kuala Lumpur, 22nd to 26th June 2009.

  2. Farrand, P., Hussain, F. and Hennessy E. (2002), ‘The efficacy of the ‘mind map’ study technique’. Medical Education, Vol. 36 (5), pp 426-431.

  3. Al-Jarf, R. (2009), ‘Enhancing Freshman students’ Writing Skills with a Mind Mapping software’. Paper presented at the 5th International Scientific Conference, eLearning and Software for Education, Bucharest, April 2009.

  4. Goodnough, K. and Woods, R. (2002), ‘Student and Teacher Perceptions of Mind Mapping: A Middle School Case Study’. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, 1st to 5th April 2002.

  5. D’Antoni, A. V., and Pinto Zipp, G. (2005), ‘Applications of the Mind Map Learning Technique in Chiropractic Education’. Journal of Chiropractic Education, 19:53-4.

  6. Cain, M. E. (2001/2002), ‘Using Mind Maps to raise standards in literacy, improve confidence and encourage positive attitudes towards learning’. Study conducted at Newchurch Community Primary School, Warrington.

  7. Boyson, G. (2009), ‘The Use of Mind Mapping in Teaching and Learning’. The Learning Institute, Assignment 3.

  8. Mento, A. J., Martinelli, P. and Jones R. M. (1999), ‘Mind Mapping in Executive Education: Applications and Outcomes’. The Journal of Management Development, Vol. 18, Issue 4.

  9. Goodnough, K. and Long, R. (2002), ‘Mind Mapping: A Graphic Organizer for the Pedagogical Toolbox’. Science Scope, Vol. 25, No. 8, pp 20-24.

  10. Holland, B., Holland, L. and Davies, J. (2003/2004), ‘An investigation into the concept of Mind Mapping and the use of Mind Mapping software to support and improve student academic performance’. Learning and Teaching Projects 2003/2004, pp 89-94.

  11. Mento, A. J., Martinelli, P. and Jones R. M. (1999), ‘Mind Mapping in Executive Education: Applications and Outcomes’. The Journal of Management Development, Vol. 18, Issue 4.

  12. Paykoç, F., Mengi, B., Kamay, P. O, Onkol, P., Ozgur, B., Pilli, O. and Yildirim, H. (2004), ‘What are the Major Curriculum Issues?: The Use of MindMapping as a Brainstorming Exercise’. Paper presented at the First Int. Conference on Concept Mapping, Spain, 2004.

  13. Wai Ling, C. (2004), ‘The Effectiveness of Using Mind Mapping Skills in Enhancing Secondary One and Secondary Four Students’ Writing in a CMI School’. University of Hong Kong, Masters dissertation.

  14. Al-Jarf, R. (2009), ‘Enhancing Freshman students’ Writing Skills with a Mind Mapping software’. Paper presented at the 5th International Scientific Conference, eLearning and Software for Education, Bucharest, April 2009.

  15. Mueller, A., Johnston, M. and Bligh, D. (2002), ‘Joining Mind Mapping and Care Planning to Enhance Student Critical Thinking and Achieve Holistic Nursing Care’. Nursing Diagnosis, 13, 1, pg. 24.

  16. Farrand, P., Hussain, F. and Hennessy E. (2002), ‘The efficacy of the ‘mind map’ study technique’ Medical Education, Vol. 36 (5), pp 426-431.

  17. Wickramisinghe A., Widanapathirana, N., Kuruppu, O., Liyanage, I. and Karunathilake I. (2007), ‘Effectivness of mind maps as a learning tool for medical students’. South East Asian Journal of Medical Education, Vol.1, No.1 (inaugural issue).

  18. Toi, H (2009), ‘Research on how Mind Map improves Memory’. Paper presented at the International Conference on Thinking, Kuala Lumpur, 22nd to 26th June 2009.

  19. Wong-Ang Gek Moi and Ong Lee Lian (2007), ‘Introducing Mind Map in Comprehension’. Educational Research Association (Singapore) 2007. Study conducted at Compassvale Primary School.

  20. Entrekin, V. S. (1992), ‘Mathematical Mind Mapping’. The Mathematics Teacher, 85, 6, pg. 444, Sept 1992.

  21. Mento, A. J., Martinelli, P. and Jones R. M. (1999), ‘Mind Mapping in Executive Education: Applications and Outcomes’ The Journal of Management Development, Vol. 18, Issue 4.

  22. Zampetakis, L. A., Tsironis, L. and Moustakis, V. (2007), ‘Creativity Development in Engineering Education: The Case of Mind Mapping’. Journal of Management Development, Vol. 26, No. 4, pp 370-380.

  23. Paykoç, F., Mengi, B., Kamay, P. O, Onkol, P., Ozgur, B., Pilli, O. and Yildirim, H. (2004), ‘What are the Major Curriculum Issues?: The Use of MindMapping as a Brainstorming Exercise’. Paper presented at the First Int. Conference on Concept Mapping, Spain, 2004.

  24. Al-Jarf, R. (2009), ‘Enhancing Freshman students’ Writing Skills with a Mind Mapping software’ Paper presented at the 5th International Scientific Conference, eLearning and Software for Education, Bucharest, April 2009.

  25. Abi-El-Mona, I. and Adb-El-Khalick, F. (2008), ‘The influence of Mind Mapping on eighth graders’ science achievement’. School Science and Mathematics.

  26. Mento, A. J., Martinelli, P. and Jones R. M. (1999), ‘Mind Mapping in Executive Education: Applications and Outcomes’. The Journal of Management Development, Vol. 18, Issue 4.

  27. Goodnough, K. and Woods, R. (2002), ‘Student and Teacher Perceptions of Mind Mapping: A Middle School Case Study’. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, 1st to 5th April 2002.

  28. Budd, J. W. (2004), ‘Mind Maps as Classroom Exercises’. Journal of Economic Education, Vol. 35, No. 1, pp 35-49.

  29. D’Antoni, A. V., and Pinto Zipp, G. (2005), ‘Applications of the Mind Map Learning Technique in Chiropractic Education. Journal of Chiropractic Education, 19:53-4.

  30. Polsen, K. (2003/2004), ‘How Do Pupils and Teachers View the Use of Mind Mapping in Learning & Teaching?’ G.T.C Scotland Teacher Researcher Programme.

  31. Goodnough, K. and Long, R. (2002), ‘Mind Mapping: A Graphic Organizer for the Pedagogical Toolbox’. Science Scope, Vol. 25, No. 8, pp 20-24.

  32. Peterson, A. R. And Snyder, P. J. (1998), 'Using Mind Maps to Teach Social Problems Analysis’. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Social Problems, San Francisco, CA, Aug 1998.

  33. Cain, M. E. (2001/2002), ‘Using Mind Maps to raise standards in literacy, improve confidence and encourage positive attitudes towards learning’. Study conducted at Newchurch Community Primary School, Warrington.

  34. Boyson, G. (2009), ‘The Use of Mind Mapping in Teaching and Learning’. The Learning Institute, Assignment 3.

  35. Polsen, K. (2003/2004), ‘How Do Pupils and Teachers View the Use of Mind Mapping in Learning & Teaching?’. G.T.C Scotland Teacher Researcher Programme.

  36. D’Antoni, A. V., and Pinto Zipp, G. (2005), ‘Applications of the Mind Map Learning Technique in Chiropractic Education’. Journal of Chiropractic Education, 19:53-4.

  37. Mento, A. J., Martinelli, P. and Jones R. M. (1999), ‘Mind Mapping in Executive Education: Applications and Outcomes’. The Journal of Management Development, Vol. 18, Issue 4.

  38. Budd, J. W. (2004), ‘Mind Maps as Classroom Exercises’. Journal of Economic Education, Vol. 35, No. 1, pp 35-49.

  39. Goodnough, K. and Long, R. (2002), ‘Mind Mapping: A Graphic Organizer for the Pedagogical Toolbox’. Science Scope, Vol. 25, No. 8, pp 20-24.

  40. Ralston, J. and Cook, D. (2007), ‘Collaboration, ICT and Mind Mapping’. Reflecting Education, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp 61-73.

  41. Holland, B., Holland, L. and Davies, J. (2003/2004), ‘An investigation into the concept of Mind Mapping and the use of Mind Mapping software to support and improve student academic performance’. Learning and Teaching Projects 2003/2004, pp 89-94.

  42. Mento, A. J., Martinelli, P. and Jones R. M. (1999), ‘Mind Mapping in Executive Education: Applications and Outcomes’. The Journal of Management Development, Vol. 18, Issue 4.

  43. Mueller, A., Johnston, M. and Bligh, D. (2002), ‘Joining Mind Mapping and Care Planning to Enhance Student Critical Thinking and Achieve Holistic Nursing Care’. Nursing Diagnosis, 13, 1, pg. 24.

  44. Mento, A. J., Martinelli, P. and Jones R. M. (1999), ‘Mind Mapping in Executive Education: Applications and Outcomes’. The Journal of Management Development, Vol. 18, Issue 4.

  45. Zampetakis, L. A., Tsironis, L. and Moustakis, V. (2007), ‘Creativity Development in Engineering Education: The Case of Mind Mapping’. Journal of Management Development, Vol. 26, No. 4, pp 370-380.

  46. Paykoç, F., Mengi, B., Kamay, P. O, Onkol, P., Ozgur, B., Pilli, O. and Yildirim, H. (2004), ‘What are the Major Curriculum Issues?: The Use of MindMapping as a Brainstorming Exercise’. Paper presented at the First Int. Conference on Concept Mapping, Spain, 2004.

  47. Ralston, J. and Cook, D. (2007), ‘Collaboration, ICT and Mind Mapping. Reflecting Education, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp 61-73.

  48. Al-Jarf, R. (2009), ‘Enhancing Freshman students’ Writing Skills with a Mind Mapping software’. Paper presented at the 5th International Scientific Conference, eLearning and Software for Education, Bucharest, April 2009.

  49. Wai Ling, C. (2004), ‘The Effectiveness of Using Mind Mapping Skills in Enhancing Secondary One and Secondary Four Students’ Writing in a CMI School’. University of Hong Kong, Masters dissertation.

  50. Mueller, A., Johnston, M. and Bligh, D. (2002), ‘Joining Mind Mapping and Care Planning to Enhance Student Critical Thinking and Achieve Holistic Nursing Care’ Nursing Diagnosis, 13, 1, pg. 24.

  51. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Social Problems, San Francisco, CA, Aug 1998.

  52. Anokhin P.K. (1973). ‘The forming of natural and artificial intelligence’. Impact of Science in Society, Vol. XXIII 3.

  53. Novak, J. (1998), Learning, creating and using knowledge. Concept maps as facilitative tools in schools and corporations. Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum.

  54. Rico, G.R. (1983), Writing the natural way. Using Right-Brain Techniques to release your expressive powers. Los Angeles: J.P Tarcher, Inc.

  55. Shone, R. (1984), Creative Visualization. New York: Thorsons Publishers Inc.

  56. Margulies, S. (1991), Mapping Inner Space: Learning and Teaching Mind Mapping. Zephyr, Tucson, AZ.

  57. The Wharton School (1981), A Study of the Effects of the Use of Overhead Transparencies on Business Meetings. Wharton Applied Research Center, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania.

  58. Howe, M.J.A (1970), ‘Using students’ notes to examine the role of the individual learner in acquiring meaningful subject matter’. Journal of Educational Research, 64, 61-3.

  59. Sperry, R.W. (1968), ‘Hemispheric deconnection and unity in conscious awareness’. Scientific American, Vol. 23, pp. 723-35.

  60. White, R. and Gunstone, R. (1992), Probing Understanding. Falmer Press, New York.

  61. Glass, A.L. and Holyoak, K.J. (1986), Cognition. New York: Random House.

  62. Anokhin P.K. (1973). ‘The forming of natural and artificial intelligence’. Impact of Science in Society, Vol. XXIII 3.

  63. Buzan, T. and Buzan, B. (1994), The mind map book: How to use radiant thinking to maximize your brains untapped potential. Dutton.

  64. Ornstein, R. (1986), Multimind: A new way of looking at human behaviour, Boston: Houghton Mifflin. (1991), The evolution of consciousness. New York: Prentice Hall Press.

  65. Roth, W.M. and Roychoudhury, A. (1992), ‘The social construction of scientific concepts or the concept map as conscription device and tool for social thinking in high school science. Science Education, Vol 76, 531-557.

  66. Novak, J. (1998), Learning, creating and using knowledge. Concept maps as facilitative tools in schools and corporations. Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum.

  67. Russell, P. (1979), The brain book. New York: Dutton.

  68. Wycoff, J. (1991), Mindmapping: Your personal guide to exploring creativity and problem-solving. New York: Berkley Books.

  69. Frey, C. (2008), ‘What are basic ordering ideas and how can they improve your mind mapping?’. Mind Mapping Software Blog, Dec 18th 2008.

  70. Shone, R. (1984), Creative Visualization. New York: Thorsons Publishers Inc.

  71. Howe, M.J.A (1970), ‘Using students’ notes to examine the role of the individual learner in acquiring meaningful subject matter’. Journal of Educational Research, 64, 61-3.

  72. Tipper, M. (2008), ‘Why do I have to Use Keywords When Mind Mapping?’., Sept 4th 2008.

  73. Russell, P. (1979), The brain book. New York: Dutton.

  74. Shone, R. (1984), Creative Visualization. New York: Thorsons Publishers Inc.

  75. Anglin, G.J., Hossein, H. and Cunningham, K.L. (2004), ‘Visual representations and learning: The role of static and animated graphics’. Handbook of research on educational communications and technology, 2nd ed, Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

  76. Haber, R. N. (1970), ‘How we remember what we see’ Scientific American, 222, 104-112.

  77. McArdle, G.E.H. (1993), Delivering Effective Training Sessions: Becoming a Confident and Competent Presenter. Cengage Learning.

  78. Margulies, S. (1991), Mapping Inner Space: Learning and Teaching Mind Mapping. Zephyr, Tucson AZ.

  79. The Wharton School (1981), A Study of the Effects of the Use of Overhead Transparencies on Business Meetings Wharton Applied Research Center, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania.

  80. White, R. and Gunstone, R. (1992), Probing Understanding. Falmer Press, New York.

  81. Glass, A.L. and Holyoak, K.J. (1986), Cognition. New York: Random House.

  82. Frey, C. (2009), ‘What are boundaries and how can they increase the effectiveness of your mind maps?’. Mind Mapping Software Blog, Jan 21st 2009.

  83. Wycoff, J. (1991), Mindmapping: Your personal guide to exploring creativity and problem-solving. New York: Berkley Books.

  84. Sperry, R.W. (1968), ‘Hemispheric deconnection and unity in conscious awareness’. Scientific American, Vol. 23, pp. 723-35.

  85. Svantesson, I. (1992), Mind Mapping und Gedächtnistraining. Bremen: GABAL.

  86. Gardner, H. (1993), Multiple intelligences. New York: Basic Books.

  87. Peterson, A.R. and Snyder, P.J. (1998), ‘Using mind maps to teach social problems analysis’. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Social Problems, San Francisco, CA, August 1998.

  88. Farrand, P., Hussain, F. and Hennessy E. (2002), ‘The efficacy of the ‘mind map’ study technique’. Medical Education, Vol. 36 (5), pp 426-431.

  89. Budd, J. (2004), ‘Mind Maps as Classroom Exercises’. Journal of Economic Education, Vol. 35 (1), pp 35-49.

  90. Boyson, G. (2009), ‘The Use of Mind Mapping in Teaching and Learning’. The Learning Institute, Assignment 3.

  91. Al-Jarf, R. (2009), ‘Enhancing Freshman students’ Writing Skills with a Mind Mapping software’. Paper presented at the 5th International Scientific Conference, eLearning and Software for Education, Bucharest, April 2009.

  92. Brinkmann, A. (2003), ‘Mind Mapping as a Tool in Mathematics Education’. The Mathematics Teacher, Vol. 96, Issue 2, pg.96.

  93. Mento, A., Martinelli, P. And Jones R. (1999), ‘Mind Mapping in Executive Education: Applications and Outcomes’. The Journal of Management Development, Vol. 18 (4).

  94. Toi, H. (2009), ‘Research on how Mind Map improves Memory’. Paper presented at the international Conference on Thinking, Kuala Lumpur, 22nd – 26th June 2009.