Literacy and Engagement with Historical Records
CAR Quick Tutorial How to Load Text into CAR
Select a Word Doc on your computer Drag and drop a Word Doc into CAR
Paste text from clipboard Open as many Word Docs or paste as much text into CAR as you like. Navigate between documents and clips on the tabs at the top of the window. Playback
Start: --OR-- Press the spacebar to start or end playback
Speech Rate Toolbar: CAR Toolbar:
General Settings Icon:
Highlight, Color, and Font Settings Icon:
Save to MP3 Icon:
Adjusting Text Size Icons:
Show/Hide Navigation Window Icon: Selecting Where to Begin Reading Using Your Keyboard CAR highlights the word where it will begin reading
Press the spacebar to begin reading at highlighted location. Using Your Mouse
Navigation Pane Menu: If headings have been enabled in your document, click the heading and press the spacebar to begin reading from that heading. If pages have been enabled in your document, click the page number and press the spacebar to begin reading from that page.
Advanced Settings Menu Reading Math Correctly
CAR can read math: y=ax2+bx+c x=−bħb2−4ac2a. Comments or Suggestions? If you have suggestions on how CAR can better drive the reading experience, then please let us know! |